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Visualize correlations across many dimensions of categorical data

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So, you've designed the perfect survey. You're really going to be able to quantify exactly what types of people responded this time, aren't you? Oh yeah, you've got this whole thing figured out: "I'm just going to cluster those little buggers and this will all make so much more sense."

And then you try to cluster them into groups.

And you discover, yet again, that there aren't any useful or meaningful groups. Sad times.

Enter catcorr.js — short for categorical correlation — which makes it easy to visualize relationships between categorical variables (e.g., results from a survey). The goal of this tool is not to identify a finite number of groups of people that summarize your population as a whole. Rather, the goal of catcorr.js is to make it possible to quickly visualize the actual data to generate hypotheses and visually evaluate the data in a useful way. Something like this:


catcorr.js is built on top of d3.js and crossfilter.js. The quick way to get started is to

  1. Setup the html. Insert a div into the body of your webpage and be sure to include the d3.js and crossfilter.js dependencies. Optionally include the catcorr.css stylesheet and add d3.tip to display full response text for longer answers.

    <div id="example"></div>
    <script src="d3.min.js"></script>
    <script src="crossfilter.min.js"></script>
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="catcorr.css">
    <script src="d3.tip.min.js"></script>
  2. Format the json. Compile your data into a json that holds the questions and the responses from all of the respondents:

    var data = {
      questions: [
        {number: 1, type: "outcome", text: "Which came first?", choices: ["chicken", "egg"]},
        {number: 2, type: "outcome", text: "How tall are you?", choices: ["short", "tall"]},
        {number: 3, type: "demographic", text: "Gender", choices: ["male", "female"]},
        {number: 4, type: "demographic", text: "Genus", choices: ["amoeba", "multi-cellular organism"]},
      responses: [
        {1: "chicken", 2: "short", 3: "male", 4: "amoeba"},
        {1: "egg", 2: "tall", 3: "male", 4: "multi-cellular organism"},
        {1: "egg", 2: "tall", 3: "female", 4: "multi-cellular organism"},
        {1: "chicken", 2: "tall", 3: "female", 4: "multi-cellular organism"},
        // ...
  3. catcorr time.

    var cc = catcorr("#example", data);


Check out the live example from an extremely important survey.

There is also a working example in the repository itself. To view it, clone this repository, run make example, and then open example/index.html in your browser.